If This Is A War Then Who is the Enemy?
If this is a war then who is the enemy?
1. The kind of people who write lists like this.
2. People who declare whole groups as being evil.
3. People who believe that their own group is better than any other.
4. People who need an enemy.
5. People who believe that what they believe in is the whole complete and utter Truth.
6. People who rewrite history.
7. Leaders addicted to power.
8. People who always have to be right.
9. People who can’t deal with uncertainty.
10. People who don’t believe in an
11. People who threaten the separation of church and state.
12. People whose traditions are more important to them than my freedom.
13. Anyone who knows they can’t possibly be one of the above types of people.
14. People who will only fight for the rights of other people like them.
15. People who believe only what their television sets tell them.
16. People who sit back and let others do the work of freedom.
17. People who believe we can trade a little freedom for a little safety.
18. People who believe in this list uncritically.
19. People who always trust their leaders.
20. People who believe we cannot question our leaders in time of war.
21. People who need other people to lose in order for them to win.
22. People who can’t laugh at themselves.
23. People who can’t laugh at what they believe
Grassroots Liberals In Vermont is an oxymoron?
Hello Blog ho. I suppose it is an oxymoron. But nontheless, we're thinking there's some work that needs doing. What's your take on the recent elections?
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