Grassroots In Vermont

A group of people who see real problems with our Republic. So we figure why not use those problems as opportunities to make this "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" stuff available to more people than ever before.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Institution Building

I want an organizational vehicle for the dissemination of the ideas we believe in: democracy, protect and expand civil liberties, participation in the political process, ending economic exploitation, make love not war, universal literacy and education, protect the environment, honoring diversity, ending racism, a woman’s right to choose, learning from people who are different rather than fearing them, equal economic educational and political opportunity, separation of church and state, decentralized media is necessary to a republic, reinvest in our voting and elections infrastructure, etc. I’m looking for a model of an organization where different kinds of people can channel their desire to make the world a better place into coordinated action. I want a place where people educate themselves and each other politically, socially, and culturally. Ideally I’d want a social venue where different kinds of people would mix and provide each other with mental cross pollination. I’m thinking of a family friendly place where people can bring their children to learn values, ideals, and critical thinking. I would love more than I can say to be able to provide a place where people can be a part of a movement without having to give up their capacity for critical thought.

The idea I have is to first build a thriving example of the kind of organization we agree on, and then help other people build their own versions of it. A decentralized structure of people drawn together through a communications network, and shared ideals and goals.

We need to be part of however it is that mass numbers of citizens get educated, active, and organized. If I had my choice the forces to make these changes in American society would be decentralized because otherwise it would be itself dangerous to our goals.

This kind of organization could serve as liberal secularist assemblies that serve much the same function as churches do for the Right. Institutions that help us spread and just as importantly solidify our ideas and way of life. They could be of any size from a handful of people to thousands. They could wind up being part of a network of organizations that grow into one or more new political parties. Members could serve as part time or full time coordinator/educator/advocates. Sharing research and information would be a key aspect of their activities. Political theater, cultural events, lectures, charity, volunteerism, activism of various kinds would be other key activities.


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